
Despite your disposition, you must be ready for the attacks of the incumbent’s hired guns, whose means of livelihood you threaten by seeking that things be done aright in the state. You must ignore them, they seek their daily bread, but it must not be at the expense of our dear state and its people.

It behooves you as a frontline son of the state to draw men of like mind, who share the same passion for the state to come together despite their political leaning, to deliver the state from the clutches of ineptitude, greed, avarice, and warped sense of obligation. For the wheel of progress to start rolling again in Abia, you must throw yourself into this fray, after all you gave us this man and I believe it was with good intentions. May I reiterate that when a good thing goes bad, it is not the end of the world, we must salvage this situation!
From all indications and information available in the public domain, the quarrel with you has gone way out of every realm of decorum/civility, caution has been thrown to the winds, reason has taken flight, the thirst for destruction has reached fever pitch and conscience has died. The absurdity in all of this is the difficulty in putting a finger to the reason(s) for this obsession. Since those who are gathering and conspiring to destroy you were not there when the Almighty Father was creating you, equipping you and finally determined to drop you in Igbere in Abia State, they may plot, they may conspire, they may scheme, but they will surely fail. Your destiny is held sacrosanct in the bosom of the Lord.
You must fulfill the mandate that is the raison d’etre that made the Almighty father deliver you to Abia, by being in the forefront of the salvation of the state.
Rest assured that there is a battery of dynamic, knowledgeable, experienced and highly skilled Abians who are ready to be part of this mission, but like everything that will succeed, there must be a leader. History beckons on you. Do not ignore it so that it will be kind to you.
Let me end by urging you to continue to insist on dragging your several business initiatives and those of your associates to our ORIGINAL fatherland. It is our duty to develop it. As it is commonly said, “you do not plant flowers in someone else’s house”. I commend you, Sir.



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