All one sees viewing events in
Nigeria with ordinary eyes are hopelessness, chaos and fear. But using the
inner eye, what I see is hope. My optimism arose from the fact that Nigeria is
a blessed and richly endowed nation, which has continued to survive despite the
consistent looting of its rich mineral and financial resources. It has
continued to grow in leaps and bounds in spite of our divergences and
I know some Nigerians might disagree with my optimism, because there is too
much suffering in the land. They are justified to hold such a view, after all
it is only a blind man would not see the desolation and poverty that pervade
our nation.
But beyond the sufferings and seeming hopelessness is a glimmer – the
proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, there is hope. The despondency
that has been the lot of many Nigerians today is largely a product of the mind.
According to Karl Jaspers (a renowned German psychiatrist and philosopher), man
is entangled in the web of daily conflict with self and others. He enumerated
such conflicts man undergoes with self to include suffering, struggle and fear.
No matter what heights or positions of honour we have attained in life, there
is still the fear that we might wake up one morning and see these things
It is a possibility. This is why King
Solomon aptly described our earthly struggles and possessions as vanity –
chasing after the wind.
Can you point at anybody on earth who has no need? The more money you make the
more money you desire. This is why we struggle unto death, leaving behind
everything we have toiled for to be enjoyed by others. Who among us is sure of
tomorrow? Nobody, I am sure. Tomorrow and its content are all known to God
alone. So, why do we fret? Why do we dissipate energy on things that do not edify?
Yes, Nigeria is passing through difficult times at present. It is not peculiar
to us. Some other nations across the globe suffer worse fate. What makes ours
different is that our leaders lack humility and sensibility. They are too
self-centred to recognise that the masses are suffering and dying from poverty,
hunger, sickness and diseases.
There is no nation today that is insulated from economic strangulation and
insecurity. If not for the menace of Boko Haram, I would have confidently
claimed that Nigeria is one of the most heavenly places to live on earth.
Before the advent of Boko Haram and other forms of insurgency Nigeria used to
be regarded by investors and foreign fun-seekers as a haven. What good has God
not blessed us with? We have clement weather all year round; arable land, rich
human and mineral resources and a happy, understanding people. But we lack
love. And when we lack love, we lack God. And when we lack God in our lives, we
lack vision. And when we lack vision, we perish.
It is the lack of love that breeds treasury-looters, kidnappers, armed robbers,
child-traffickers, rapists, ritual-killers, arsonists, terrorists, cultists,
etc. Look at the looting that has taken place since the birth of our new
democracy and you see the tragedy that has befallen us!
So, I do not blame any Nigerian that feels outraged by the goings-on in our
nation. Nevertheless, the message I bring to all of us today is to keep hope
alive and to warn those that make life miserable for the majority of Nigerians
to desist from their evil ways and avoid God’s wrath. What justification do our
leaders have for their inability to meet the basic needs of an average
Nigerian? There is none I can fathom at the moment.
I have been left in quandary – thinking about from where Nigerian leaders
acquired their kind of wickedness and greed. I recall the days of Nnamdi
Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Ahmadu Bello, Aminu Kano, etc.
These were leaders that placed nation above
selves and sacrificed their lives for the good of the nation and others. I have
been wondering what Nigeria would have become if our present crop of leaders
had emerged 50 years ago. Probably, there would not have been any nation called
Nigeria again. Or better put, we would have gone into extinction. Where is the
nation, once called, Carthage? It disappeared from the face of the earth after
the Carthaginian War, in which Hannibal the Great led a fruitless onslaught
against the Roman Empire.
A nation can go out of existence for making a singular, avoidable mistake. For
53 years of independence, Nigeria has been milked and sucked almost to a point
of unconsciousness; yet it has continued to survive. Oil thieves have vowed
never to allow it to exist in peace. Recent reports revealed that the nation
loses over N2.3 billion daily to these, often, faceless but very dangerous
cabals that operate in the disguised name of oil thieves. If we look deeply we
will see that the so-called oil thieves are top-placed Nigerians who use their
acolytes to vandalize and steal oil from NNPC pipelines, providing them
security cover. If this presumption is not risible then why have efforts made
by the government to stop them failed?
The simple truth we have all failed to appreciate is we are systematically
killing Nigeria by our greed, avarice and the large scale corruption that goes
on daily. What future do we hope to bequeath to the coming generations of
Nigerians? Is it a nation eaten up by locusts with nothing left to feed the
majority that are hunger?
Our political party system has been traumatized by the mindless and covert
scheming of politicians. There is no stable political space for the people to
exercise their franchise. Elections in Nigeria have become are a mere academic
exercise with the winners determined long before the due date. Those produced
by this heavily-compromised process reign with terror and unconscionable
dispositions. They do not listen to anybody or care for the masses they
superintend over. This is the lot of the people of this country.
Kidnappers and other categories of social misfits have held all of us hostage.
Nobody is safe any longer. It could be Mike Ozekhome today, who knows whose
turn it may be tomorrow? It is for this uncertainty that every one of us should
be concerned. It is not enough to ride in a bullet-proof car or for your car
sirens to blare while driving through the streets. God forbid if anything
happens, nobody will be safe. This is why we should demonstrate the eagerness
to cooperate with the government to fight corruption and insecurity that
threaten to destroy our nation.
Some people think that the future of Nigeria is all about Jonathan and his bid
for second term. It is beyond all that. What is happening in Nigeria has a
direct bearing on its corporate existence. There is no longer doubt that some
Nigerians are hell-bent on scuttling our present democracy in order to achieve
their selfish agenda. But we need to warn such persons that they are riding the
tiger’s back. Nigeria is bigger than any individual or group that attempts to
undermine its sovereignty.
The danger in the seeming gullibility of Nigerians (as I wrote in this column
last week) is that they are exposing all of us to possible self-destruction.
For how long will the masses look on and do nothing when actually they can do
something? If we chose to remain silent, while our house burns all well and
good. But posterity must call us to question someday – dead or alive.
I must commend the tenacity and doggedness of the Nigerian masses for absorbing
their pains and sufferings with equanimity. Nevertheless, we need to go one
step further by ensuring that those who govern are the right calibre of people.
We can no longer afford to fold our arms and watch evil men take charge of our
collective destiny.
For three weeks now I have laid emphasis on Nigeria’s socio-political
developments in this column, because of the compelling need to gainfully
redirect the consciousness of Nigerians and stimulate their enthusiasm about
the need to continue to work for the development of our fatherland.
As a stakeholder in the Nigerian project, I stand a good opportunity to mirror
the future and equate it to the present in order to offer unbiased and
objective assessment about events in the country. One undisputable fact is that
Nigeria has a very bright and promising future.
Its ability to survive all the pillaging and abuse of the
past 53 years in the hands of mindless and corrupt politicians is a visible
testimony to its special position in the divine order. At 53 (next month),
Nigeria has recorded substantial and verifiable achievements, chief among
which, is the sustained peace and unity that characterize our nation in spite
of the antics of some wicked people. It is certain that many people within and
outside Nigeria would have wished that Nigeria disintegrates. But God, in His
infinite mercy, has bound us together as one indivisible people, united by fate
and strengthened by our collective heritage.
I do not subscribe to the general notion that Nigeria has not fared well in the
past 53 years, just because of the little problems that dog the path of our
national development. Agreed, some avoidable mistakes have been made, but these
are not enough to obliterate the gains we have made so far. Obviously, every
nation has its peculiarities in the process of its development into nationhood.
The United States and other developed economies had the dark sides of their
histories. There are many reasons to support my position. But that is not the
focus of this reflection.
My primary aim in this article, as I said, is to rekindle hope in Nigerians
that the future is quite bright. Our nation and its people do not deserve the
ongoing destructive media campaign, which tends to heighten tension in the
country. The situation assumed a worrisome dimension since the crisis in the
Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) came to the fore. I have refused to join the
army of critics for the singular reason that I believe in principles. What is
happening in PDP today could happen to any other political party. It is an
internal problem that can be handled internally too.
My only fear is that the crisis might be
allowed to assume a national dimension if its leaders failed to bury the
hatchet, forgive one another and set aside their egos. Ego is a big obstacle to
the running of the party. It is the same ego that is responsible for many of
the problems we face today as a nation. I wish to urge the President and the
helmsmen of the party to move swiftly and resolve the seething crisis before it
snowballs into a huge conflagration. Nobody should underestimate the length the
crisis can go if we failed to do the needful fast.
The degeneration of a nation into chaos and anarchy is always as a result of
neglect of rule of law and constitutionality. There is no doubt that free and
fair elections can only be achieved when there is respect for rule of law and
the constitution. Aware of the significance of these two ingredients, the
president has continued to work towards their realization, with the hope that
substantial progress would have been made by the time his tenure ends.
Provision of social infrastructure is a critical area that government should
look into. 53 years after attaining nationhood Nigeria is yet to be self
sufficient in power generation and distribution. Even though the 6000 megawatts
target has not been fully achieved as earlier planned, there has been a
remarkable improvement in power generation and distribution in the past 2 days,
at least. For instance, Umuahia has had steady electricity in the past 48
hours. How long this will last is what I cannot say. The hope to draw from this
situation is that Nigeria can attain self-sufficiency in electricity supply if
we put our acts together. And this also means that our nation has the capacity
to develop into a global power bloc economically, socially, and politically.
From the position above, I do not intend to defend the excesses or inefficiency
of anybody. Rather, I am motivated by sheer patriotism and the singular reason
that all that Nigerians need at the moment is encouragement. Surely, mistakes
have been made, but they are correctible. They are mistakes that come with
growth and development. What President Jonathan and his team need at the moment
is prayer and understanding by all Nigerians.
This year, as I had already predicted, will bring dramatic changes to Nigeria.
All those that are working against the progress of Nigeria, will be arrested by
the power of the Holy Spirit and brought back to God. God in turn will bless
Nigeria and bring it out of its present coma and project it into the global arena.
I wish to advise Nigerians to remain focused, abiding in faith and resolute in
the defence of our democracy. It will pay us better if nothing happens to our
fledgling democracy. Anything in the contrary will smack of doom and
God forbid!
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